Saturday 14 April 2012

Hello to My self ♥

After a long time , I'm Back :DDD I know I'm so lazy and  study hard to get a good result ssssssss
So , I will start again my blogger !!! <3 ( to improve my broken english LOL)
actually , I ....... have a competition on monday ! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
My music life never end , I will stick in the end and never give up ...... ^___^
I need to find my real voice , let show it to everyone :) 
I hope more people can listen my mood and voice in the song :))))
Aishhh .... , no one is perfect in the world 
I hate my face look , that is so big with a small eyes o.o LOL
Everday also say want to keep fit but I fail 
OH NO ! I dont want be a fat girls >____________< 
Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh , who can save me ???
At last , I need save money to go BIGBANG concert !!!!!!!!!!!!
They're first time come Malaysia , so can i didnt go ?
The answer is CANT !!!! ( = = crazy fans )

 I'm a MONSTER LOL (please ignore me - - )
By Min Hee